Department of History
HOD's Desk

History is an inseparable part of human life. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The study of history helps us to understand a detailed picture of where we stand today. So, to motivate the student to study history through innovative and in different ways our college established the History Department in ................ History Subject taught at Under Graduate level as General Subject only. The Ancient Indian History, Maharashtra’s rich and local Maratha History and India’s freedom struggle through Indian National Movement taught at various level of UG.
Departments Objective:
- Basic understanding of History subject and improve the knowledge of History.
- Applying the innovative study techniques in the study of history, to make it value based and thought provocative.
- To create interest in historical sites and heritage like forts, caves, temples.
Departments Highlights:
- Study tours to Historical places every year.
- Guidance to students for competitive exams
Faculty :
Sr.No. |
Name of The Teacher |
Designation |
Phone No. |
Email ID |
1 |
Prof. (Dr.) S.R. Patil |
9423278226 |
2 |
Dr. S.A. Parit |
C.H.B.(2024-25) |
9850070879 |
3 |
Mr. S.V. Sutar |
C.H.B.(2024-25) |
9420888355 |
Syallbus : Click on - B.A. III-Sem- V & VI
Course Outcomes :
Paper No - VII
1) Understand the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers
2) Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.
3) Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations
4) Give an account of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira
5) Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire
6) Explain the salient features of Ashoka’s Dhamma
Paper No - VIII
1) Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of medieval India
2) Explain the contributions of medieval rulers like Allaudin Khilji, Muhammad-bin-Tuqhlaq, Krishnadevraya and Mahmud Gavan
3) Give an account of the administration and economy of the Delhi sultanate and Vijayanagar Empire
4) Elucidate the significant developments which took place in religion, society and culture
Paper No - IX
1) Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation
2) Give an account of the role played by Martin Luther
3) Explain the salient features of the Industrial revolution
4) Given an account of the American revolution
5) Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution
6) Explain the role of major leaders of the French Revolution
Paper No - X
1) Describe the political conditions of the Marathas upto the year 1740
2) Explain the role of Balaji Bajirao.
3) Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.
4) Understand the political condition of the Marathas after 1761.
5) Critically analyze the causes for the decline of Maratha power.
Paper No - XI
1) Understand the definition and scope of the subject of History
2) Know the process of acquiring historical data
3) Explain the process of presenting and writing history
4) Understand the methods of writing history
Paper No - XII
1) Know the political ,economic and religious developments which took place in early historic India
2) Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings
3) Give an account of the developments in the Post-Gupta period
4) Have an informed opinion about the society and culture of Ancient India
Paper No - XIII
1) Know about the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history
2) Explain the role of rulers like Babar, Akbar, Chandbibi and Ibrahim Adilshah II
3) Gain knowledge about the administrative and revenue system
4) Describe the condition of Industry and trade
5) Explain important developments in religion, society and culture
Paper No - XIV
1) Know the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England
2) Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.
3) Describe the unification of Italy and Germany.
4) Give an account of the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism
5) Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa
6) Know the life and thoughts of important leaders like Metternich, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln.
Paper No - XV
1) Know the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas
2) Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas
3) Describe the economic conditions
4) Explain the social conditions.
Paper No - XVI
1) Understand the nature of archival sources
2) Gain conceptual clarity about recent trends in history.
3) Know about the application of history in museums.
4) Explain the concept and scope of heritage tourism.